miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

Blair Waldorf quotes

Continui seria de quotes cu Queen B!I hope you enjoy!

Blair: Penelope, take off that hideous scarf. You can see it from space.

Blair: [to Serena] You're famous because you got arrested. Of course this happened to YOU.

Blair: We don't do prom queen; that's for suburban high schools and the lame teen comedies that are set at them.

Blair: Serena's been in jail for four hours, she's already served more time than Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie combined!

Serena: You brought Nate?
Blair: I'm just as flummoxed as you are. I got out at 53rd and made a run for it but he is faster than he looks.

Blair: If you cut revenge out of the Bible, there's not even enough pages to make a pamphlet.

Georgina: I gave up my old ways when I let Jesus take the wheel.
Blair: That is a Carrie Underwood song, not a life choice!

Blair: You don't sound like yourself.
Georgina: That's because I'm not.
Blair: I don't think Jesus would like that.
Georgina: You can tell Jesus the bitch is back.

Blair: [to Serena, about Gabriel] He told Chuck he met you at Butter, but I know for a fact that Butter was closed that night because I used their bartender for the Nelly Yuki SAT sabotage party!

Blair: I can't believe I have to see my sworn enemy with Nancy Pelosi hair.

Blair: Rats go underground. Not Waldorfs.

Blair: NYU? What was I thinking? You know what I think about ironic facial hair.

Blair: Can you make sure they don't seat me behind Caroline Kennedy? She may be American royalty, but she's a giraffe.

Blair: Do you know how hard it is to get revenge when your enemy is changing every five minutes?
Dorota: You need to calm nerves and warm vocal cords. You want tea?
Blair: No. I want Dan Humphrey's head on a platter.

Blair: Everyone's jealous of me, because my life is perfect and you've always been the most jealous of all.
Nelly: People aren't jealous of you, Blair. They hate you.

Nelly: What is your problem?
Blair: My problem is a two-faced, four-eyed, devious little snipe in a fat-suit. Did you really think you could rat me out to Yale and get away with it?

Blair: When the truth fails you, you have no choice but to abandon it. Make something up, idiots! With friends like these, who needs friends.

Blair: Never in my 16,982 hours of schooling have I ever been sentenced to detention.

Blair: This is a B.
Rachel: Yes. It is.
Blair: You're new here so you don't know how it works.
Rachel: I have a feeling you're about to explain.
Blair: Second semester seniors get a free pass, like pregnant ladies or 14-year-old Chinese gymnasts. Constance wants their students to get into the best colleges. That's why this free pass exists. The headmistress, if she knew about this grade, she'd rap you on the wrist.
Rachel: Maybe, in time, I'll get in trouble for not inflating grades like everyone else, Miss Waldorf, but until then, I'll give them based on merit.

Serena: He was probably thinking about you the whole time he was in Thailand.
Blair: Not unless I was a Thai hooker named Bo.

Blair: Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist.

Blair: [to Dorota] She is the loosest girl in class, don't you know Chuck doesn't like his fruit pre-picked?

Blair: She kissed me on the cheek and left a big orange lipstick mark, it looked like I'd been spray tanned!

Blair: He's just like Bill Paxton, only younger, and with scruff.

Blair: A woman needs to be with a man who thinks of only her. Anything else is a non-starter. Tell him how you feel. DOROTA! More flour.
Serena: Are you baking already?

Blair: Dorota, are you insane?
Dorota: I don't know.
Blair: You used the everyday china. Cyrus will think we're just common upper-middle class. Get the Auberge and hurry up!

Blair: Screw Grace Kelly. I need a scheme.
Dorota: Oh no...
Blair: That tiny man must have a secret I can exploit.

Blair: How can you possibly love Cyrus? He's all the things you hate! He uses the wrong fork, he slurps his soup, he wears sport socks! He is short, and pushy! He's nothing like daddy.
Eleanor: Which is precisely why I like him. Harold was lovely in a million ways, but he had his secrets. Cyrus is someone I can trust... Before I go see Cyndi Lauper I have to get my hair done, pick up my dress at Barney's. Would you like to come with?
Blair: No! Thanks. But have fun.

Blair: He's totally unsuitable.
Serena: Who?
Blair: Cyrus. He's five feet tall. He has a catchphrase. And he's a hugger. I was expecting Cary Grant and I got Danny DeVito!

Blair: Serena, I called you like 10 times last night! Where have you been?
Serena: I went to the dentist at lunch, and yesterday, I met Aaron in Times Square. B, it was the most romantic thing...
Blair: Who cares about plaque or pretentious artists when your best friend is having a meltdown!

Emma: They call him the de-virginator.
Blair: Oh my God, stop your mouth from moving.
Emma: But now that I finally have the night away from my mom and dad, we'll see who's first. We're saying TTFN to my you know what.
Blair: Or maybe we'll see how your mom feels about your little clearance sale, little Lohan.

Blair: I've been thinking about changing my signature scent. I've been trying out a new one, I can't decide if I like it. Would you mind?
Chuck: [sniffs Blair] Smells a little like desperation.

Blair: I have an itch that only Chuck can scratch and he won't oblige unless I tell him I love him.
Dan: You need help getting Chuck to sleep with you? Really?
Blair: [to Serena] You hear the judgment in his voice right now right?
Serena: He's working on that.

Dan: DO you love him?
Blair: NO! No, of course not.
Dan. So why don't you just say it to get what you want? Frat guys have been doing that since ... forever.
Blair: I can't! If I say it then Chuck wins.
Dan: But... if you say it then you get him and you win.

Blair: It wasn't a quickie. Sex is actually a big deal to some of us.
Serena: I can see that. Chuck's bed? Very romantic. Classy, too.

Blair: (Answering Serena's cellphone)Who dare interrupt the Van Der Woodsen as she teaches?!
Dan: Dan...Humphrey (As Blair and Serena argue about the phone in the background)
Blair: Sorry, the number you dialed is no longer is service.
Serena: Stop it, who is it?
Blair: I'm doing you a favor.
Dan: Look I can hear you. Can I just please talk to Serena?
Blair: Apparently you can, cabbage patch

Blair: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been... a while since my last confession.
Priest: What troubles you, my child?
Blair: (sighs) After being broken up with my boyfriend for exactly 20 minutes, I succumbed to inebriation, performed at a speakeasy, and surrendered my virtue to a self-absorbed ass. The only good news is that he's a total pig who'll act like it never happened, thank God.
Priest: Ahem.
Blair: Sorry. Truthfully, I'm not even Catholic.
Priest: You don't say.

Blair: Thank you, Father. That was very good advice.... You don't grant birthday wishes, do you?
Priest: I'm a priest, not a genie.
Blair: Well, the next time you talk to Him, could you ask Him to send my boyfriend back to me?

Blair: Losing my virginity to Chuck Bass? None of my friends will ever understand. I'm ready for my punishment. Whatever you and God think is fair. Flogging, fasting, or putting that thing with the teeth around my thigh like Silas.
Priest: How about some food for thought instead? Don't drink, keep your clothes on, try avoiding those who might cause you to stray.

Chuck: (sees Blair coming out of church) Well, this is the last place I'd expect to find you.
Blair: Go away, Chuck! I've been given orders, practically from God himself, to avoid you.
Chuck: Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast?

Blair: From this moment forward, the events of last night will never be mentioned again, is that clear?
Chuck: Not as clear as the memory of you purring in my ear, which I have been replaying over and over...
Blair: Well, erase the tape! Because as far as I'm concerned, it never happened.
Chuck: I'll see you at your party tonight.
Blair: You're officially uninvited.
Chuck: Never stopped me before.

Blair: These butterflies have got to be murdered.

Serena: What's Chuck doing today?
Blair: Why are you asking me?
Serena: Well, you guys are friends. And, Blair, you know you can tell me anything. I'd be the last person to judge anyone.
Blair: With good reason.
Serena: Blair, I saw you with Chuck.
Blair: [pauses] I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, sleeping with him once, maybe I could understand. But twice?
Serena: Wait, you slept with him!?
Blair: Shhh.
Serena: Blair!

Serena: I thought you wanted to wait. I thought you wanted to make it special.
Blair: Oh, so Nate gets a free pass and I'm the slut?
Serena: Tell me you didn't sleep with Chuck for revenge.
Blair: Well, it wasn't because I liked his natural musk. And, besides, nothing hurts more than sleeping with the best friend. Right, S?

Chuck: You looked hot on Prince Theodore's arm, today.
Blair: Is that what I am to you, just an accessory?
Chuck: Next to him, yes. On me, you'd be so much more.

Blair: I'm not pregnant. I command myself to not be pregnant.

Operator: Information, city and state please.
Blair: Brooklyn... I think that's in New York.

Blair: Lady Godiva, my only friend.

Blair: [to Dan] It's your brotherly duty to keep her from becoming the next Katie Holmes.

Blair: Right know Gossip Girl's credibility is like Tinsley Mortimer's after a few martinis.

Blair: Nelly Yuki must be destroyed!
Serena: Why do you keep saying her name?
Blair: Because it's Nelly Yuki!

Nate: She's right Serena, I mean none of us are saints.
Blair: [points at Chuck] Yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo.
Chuck: Several times.
Nate: I had sex with you, at a wedding while I was her date. [looks at Chuck] Once.
Blair: [looks at Chuck]
Chuck: I'm Chuck Bass!

Blair: I know you're here with Chuck, and I can only imagine what he said about me. Limo sex, social torture, freshmen, blackmail. But I assure you, there's an explanation for all of it.
Catherine: Save your breath, Blair. Chuck didn't tell me a thing.
Blair: He didn't.
Catherine: I told him it didn't make any difference to me, because ... despite your best efforts, which are completely transparent, by the way, Marcus will never end up with a lowly Waldorf.

Blair: Don't ever go to high school, Dorota. The girls are spoiled, stupid and ungrateful! One snapshot with a socialite and it's all Serena, Serena, Serena!

Blair: Don't they know that without me, they'd never see the inside of a fashion tent? They'd be stuck behind the barricades with PETA! In fact, maybe I will leave them outside with PETA. Maybe that will teach them some manners!

Un comentariu :

lost angel spunea...

foarte tare colectia asta de citate ale lui blair