sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2009


Rachel Zoe's dress: glamorous or granny curtains?
Rochia lui Rachel Zoe:stralucitoare sau rochia bunicii?
Is that "90210" minx AnnaLynne McCord or the Bride of Frankenstein? You make the call.
Asta este cumva starul din "90210" AnnaLynne McCord sau mireasa lui Frankenstein?Tu decizi!
Is it just us, or is Rihanna's hairdo a hot mess? That pompadour isn't doing her justice ... and neither are those tacky tinted shades!

Mi se pare mie,sau parul Rihannei este intr-o totala dezordine?In orice caz acel medalion nu ii face nicio favoare si nici acei ochelari!
British handbag designer Lulu Guinness's lips clutch is cute; however, her homemade Grimace-inspired frock is downright frightening. Hopefully her date wasn't dressed as the Hamburglar.

Lulu Guinness,designerul englez de genti si-a facut o intrare magistrala cu o gentuta in forma de "buze",oricum nu mi se pare deloc potrivita rochita asta.Sper ca nu a avut o intalnire!
What would you never be caught dead in? Lindsay Lohan's Daisy Dukes or her ginormous blue boots?

In ce nu ai vrea sa fii vazuta toata viata?Nu-i asa ca nu in cizmele alea albastre?
Estelle can sing! She just can't accessorize.
Estelle poate canta,toata lumea stie!Insa nu poate accesoriza nimic!
Love former "Gilmore Girl" Lauren Graham. Loathe the neon nightmare and unsightly updo she sported at the 2009 Tonys.

Actrita din "Gilmore Girl",Lauren Graham este foarte apreciata de toata lumea insa aceasta rochie verde neon nu ii face niciun favor .
Fergie has been looking flawless as of late, but this "Beyond Thunderdome"-esque ensemble is far from fabulous.

In ultimul timp Fergie a impresionat,dar aceste haine asortate,probabil costum,"Beyond Thunderdome" sunt departe de fabulos.
Orange you glad that you don't feel the need to fake bake as often as Paris does?
OMG!Bronzul lui Paris nu arata deloc a ceva natural!Cred ca rupe solarul ala!
We get it Gaga; you have great legs. Now, do us all a favor, and get yourself a real pair of pants.
Ne-am prinis,GaGa.Ai picioare frumoase.Acum,daca tot am clarificat asta,fa-ne o favoare si cumpara-ti o pereche de pantaloni normali.
Lil' Kim. 'Nuff said.
Apparently, Heather Graham also felt the need to show some skin this week. At the Irish premiere of her new film, "The Hangover," the buxom blond looked more like an exotic dancer and less like an A-list actress.

Aparent,Heather Graham simte de asemenea sa arate putina piele.La premierea din Irlanda a filmului,"The Hangover",actrita blonda arata mai bine ca o dansatoare exotica,nicidecum o actrita de prima clasa.

2 comentarii :

lost angel spunea...

cate rochii din alea verzi de satin cum poarta tipa din gilmore girls am vazut pe la noi (pe la banchete & alte chermeze)

Ana-Maria Cioroaba spunea...

si ea este pe number 1 in topul wtf:))numai pitsipoancele se imbraca in halul ala